How do you come up with ideas for your work?
Almost all my ideas come from pictures, either seen or imagined. My first book was inspired by a night walk on the beach with a friend, whose description of yellow-orange swirls in the moon stayed with me for a long time. Many moons later, it emerged in Jalebi Curls. So my writing, in one way or the other, consults a picture and is guided by it. Everyday life and daily occurrences also find their place in my work.
Could you share your writing and/or illustration process?
I put my thoughts down in a notebook or sketchbook, often including rough sketches or visual notes. Once I have a draft of the text in place, I read it aloud. In picture books, in particular, each word matters, as do the syntax and rhythm. I work at it till it sounds right to my ear.
Some of my work is entirely hand-rendered. Others combine traditional and digital media. My narratives are largely character-driven. So I spend time figuring out who these characters are and how they express themselves. The biggest challenge, I find, is to carry over the spontaneity and ease that surfaces in free studies to the final artwork.
Where can I buy your books?
They're available on the publisher website and on Amazon and Flipkart. If you live in Chennai, you can head to the Tulika Bookstore, a lovely space where you can browse through the books before you buy them. The Tulika website also offers free shipping.